The Royal Conceptの歌詞一覧

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  3. The Royal Conceptの歌詞一覧

The Royal Conceptの歌詞一覧

公開日:2014年12月4日 更新日:2024年9月6日

22 曲中 1-22 曲を表示
楽曲・タイトル アーティスト 歌詞・歌い出し

On Our Way(ユニバーサルスタジオジャパン(USJ) CM曲)

The Royal Concept

歌詞:I ' ll believe when


The Royal Concept

歌詞:Just leave me knocked out

Gimme Twice

The Royal Concept

作詞: Filip Bekic ..

作曲: Filip Bekic ..

歌詞:I got it all worked


The Royal Concept

歌詞:I dress like shit, call


The Royal Concept

歌詞:You're like a rebel on


The Royal Concept

歌詞:Young folks, listen up This

Just Wanna Be Loved By U

The Royal Concept

歌詞:There's a shadow hanging over

Girls Girls Girls

The Royal Concept

歌詞:It was a Saturday night

Busy Busy

The Royal Concept

歌詞:I thought I'd let you


The Royal Concept

歌詞:I got a feeling that

27 Forever

The Royal Concept

歌詞:It’s like you’re bursting through


The Royal Concept

歌詞:Started with a song you


The Royal Concept

歌詞:I hate to admit it


The Royal Concept

歌詞:Wait, I meant to keep

Lost In You

The Royal Concept

歌詞:I saw you there by

In The End

The Royal Concept

作詞: Linda Thompson ..

作曲: Linda Thompson ..

歌詞:I get all terrified whenever

World On Fire

The Royal Concept

歌詞:I see the world has

Shut The World

The Royal Concept

歌詞:Start of show tonight they're

Knocked Up

The Royal Concept

歌詞:Oh, no, I don't wanna

Cabin Down Below

The Royal Concept

作詞: Felipe Bekic ..

作曲: Felipe Bekic ..

歌詞:Look at her go breaking

Higher Than Love

The Royal Concept

作詞: Chris Seefried ..

作曲: Chris Seefried ..

歌詞:Oh my baby and I,

Naked & Dumb

The Royal Concept

歌詞:Don't go Why would you