one way 引ひき返かえす道みちなんて後悔こうかいの中なかにしかない
to blame すでに間違まちがい 吹ふき飛とばしてよ let's go,now
everyday, all day, all night 気きを抜ぬけばヤラれる世界せかい
勝かちも負まけも自分次第じぶんしだい さぁ選えらびな your own life
hey, hey let's go next stage
hey,hey are you ready?
次つぎの扉開とびらひらけ make your way to the future
one day そびえ立たつ壁かべに抜ぬけ道みちなんてもんはない
grow up 今いまがそのチャンス 乗のり越こえてこうぜ let's go,now
everyday, all day, all night 削けずれてズタボロのプライド
耐たえぬけばまた道開みちひらく さぁ進すすみな your own life
hey, hey let's go next stage
hey,hey are you ready?
時間じかんはそうないぜ meke your way to the future
hey, hey let's go next stage hey,hey are you ready?
hey, hey let's go next stage
hey,hey are you ready?
今いまがその時ときだぜ meke your way to the future
hey, hey let's go next stage
hey,hey are you ready?
meke your way to the future
one way 引hiきki返kaeすsu道michiなんてnante後悔koukaiのno中nakaにしかないnishikanai
to blame すでにsudeni間違machigaいi 吹fuきki飛toばしてよbashiteyo let's go,now
everyday, all day, all night 気kiをwo抜nuけばkebaヤラyaraれるreru世界sekai
勝kaちもchimo負maけもkemo自分次第jibunshidai さぁsaa選eraびなbina your own life
hey, hey let's go next stage
hey,hey are you ready?
次tsugiのno扉開tobirahiraけke make your way to the future
one day そびえsobie立taつtsu壁kabeにni抜nuけke道michiなんてもんはないnantemonhanai
grow up 今imaがそのgasonoチャンスchansu 乗noりri越koえてこうぜetekouze let's go,now
everyday, all day, all night 削kezuれてreteズタボロzutaboroのnoプライドpuraido
耐taえぬけばまたenukebamata道開michihiraくku さぁsaa進susuみなmina your own life
hey, hey let's go next stage
hey,hey are you ready?
時間jikanはそうないぜhasounaize meke your way to the future
hey, hey let's go next stage hey,hey are you ready?
hey, hey let's go next stage
hey,hey are you ready?
今imaがそのgasono時tokiだぜdaze meke your way to the future
hey, hey let's go next stage
hey,hey are you ready?
meke your way to the future