Uchiaketekure 歌詞
- 文字サイズ
- ふりがな
- ダークモード
Tell me all that is your heart
Show me why you hurt so
Revealing all your pain and tears
Let's bring reality to the fear
Up in your mind right here, now
And see it for what it is
And what has ailed you so
Let's make the world a brand new way
Oh I'm feeling the vibes in those words you speak
Cuz this life is a test to see just how you peak
And truly peak we do when the entropy's due
Proving over again and again the power is you
Along the way we fall but it makes us strong
To learn and win as right is the new wrong
A long journey for sure, a true journey of growth
Interacting yin with yang as a sign of both
Sides of the coin, interactions a joy
Bringing together consciousness as if it was all a ploy
Annoyed, never be, bringing it presently
Shaking up the ego system to the nth degree
Now you see how we be
生いきてくことに 疲つかれてしまったり 何なにかをする目的もくてきを 見失みうしなったり
音楽おんがくさえも 響ひびかなくなったり もう何なにもかも すべてがイヤになったり
自分じぶんが存在そんざいしてる価値かちなんてないって 勝手かってに決きめつけて
また凹へこんで 落おちて すねて 浮うき沈しずみの激はげしいこんな僕ぼくに
Tell me all that is your heart
Show me why you hurt so
Revealing all your pain and tears
Tell me all that is your start
And what has ailed you so
Let's make the world a brand new way
あまりに溢あふれる情報じょうほうの波なみに 揉もまれ もがき 溺おぼれそうで
それでも何なにかを掴つかめるはずだと 模索もさくしては びしょ濡ぬれになって
Relive the feelings and then say goodbye
Taking high ground's only way to stay dry
Moving on up, so much more you can gain
But it's really on you and what you say
As the rain comes pouring down
In our feelings we drown
Theres only one way out
And in the end its all up to you
今度こんどは僕ぼくの方ほうから It's my turn 最近さいきん感動かんどうしていつ泣ないた?
あの映画えいが あの音楽おんがく あの人ひとの小説しょうせつ
どの場面ばめん? 何なにページ? 全部ぜんぶは言いわないで
あれからどうしてた? 気きになってたんだ
アドバイスなんてない 偉えらそうで言いえないよ
でも君きみが話はなし出だすまでの間あいだ 黙だまったままで待まっててもいい?
この沈黙ちんもくも決けっして 嫌きらいじゃないんだ
受話器じゅわきの向むこう テーブル挟はさんだ向むかい側がわ
励はげますつもりが逆ぎゃくに 最後さいごに君きみが笑わらえれば最高さいこう
This ear here's open for you to let it out
I am the presence of existence
On an evolutionary route
Scrub your heart, project your pain
Strain your voice if you must
Cuz I can handle it all day
The passion for life continues right now
Feel the warmth of this flame out loud
So true to life, we gotta live insight
And take flight to better days as we live it up live
Hey I know it can be hard,
But that's a choice by you too
Let's make it all new, and bring a truth
That's just truer than true
Come on and feel it right here,
We doing it new
Tell me all that is your heart
Show me why you hurt so
Revealing all your pain and tears
And what has ailed you so
Let's make the world a brand new way
Tell me all that is your heart
Show me why you hurt so
Revealing all your pain and tears
Tell me all that is your start
And what has ailed you so
Let's make the world a brand new way
Show me why you hurt so
Revealing all your pain and tears
Let's bring reality to the fear
Up in your mind right here, now
And see it for what it is
And what has ailed you so
Let's make the world a brand new way
Oh I'm feeling the vibes in those words you speak
Cuz this life is a test to see just how you peak
And truly peak we do when the entropy's due
Proving over again and again the power is you
Along the way we fall but it makes us strong
To learn and win as right is the new wrong
A long journey for sure, a true journey of growth
Interacting yin with yang as a sign of both
Sides of the coin, interactions a joy
Bringing together consciousness as if it was all a ploy
Annoyed, never be, bringing it presently
Shaking up the ego system to the nth degree
Now you see how we be
生いきてくことに 疲つかれてしまったり 何なにかをする目的もくてきを 見失みうしなったり
音楽おんがくさえも 響ひびかなくなったり もう何なにもかも すべてがイヤになったり
自分じぶんが存在そんざいしてる価値かちなんてないって 勝手かってに決きめつけて
また凹へこんで 落おちて すねて 浮うき沈しずみの激はげしいこんな僕ぼくに
Tell me all that is your heart
Show me why you hurt so
Revealing all your pain and tears
Tell me all that is your start
And what has ailed you so
Let's make the world a brand new way
あまりに溢あふれる情報じょうほうの波なみに 揉もまれ もがき 溺おぼれそうで
それでも何なにかを掴つかめるはずだと 模索もさくしては びしょ濡ぬれになって
Relive the feelings and then say goodbye
Taking high ground's only way to stay dry
Moving on up, so much more you can gain
But it's really on you and what you say
As the rain comes pouring down
In our feelings we drown
Theres only one way out
And in the end its all up to you
今度こんどは僕ぼくの方ほうから It's my turn 最近さいきん感動かんどうしていつ泣ないた?
あの映画えいが あの音楽おんがく あの人ひとの小説しょうせつ
どの場面ばめん? 何なにページ? 全部ぜんぶは言いわないで
あれからどうしてた? 気きになってたんだ
アドバイスなんてない 偉えらそうで言いえないよ
でも君きみが話はなし出だすまでの間あいだ 黙だまったままで待まっててもいい?
この沈黙ちんもくも決けっして 嫌きらいじゃないんだ
受話器じゅわきの向むこう テーブル挟はさんだ向むかい側がわ
励はげますつもりが逆ぎゃくに 最後さいごに君きみが笑わらえれば最高さいこう
This ear here's open for you to let it out
I am the presence of existence
On an evolutionary route
Scrub your heart, project your pain
Strain your voice if you must
Cuz I can handle it all day
The passion for life continues right now
Feel the warmth of this flame out loud
So true to life, we gotta live insight
And take flight to better days as we live it up live
Hey I know it can be hard,
But that's a choice by you too
Let's make it all new, and bring a truth
That's just truer than true
Come on and feel it right here,
We doing it new
Tell me all that is your heart
Show me why you hurt so
Revealing all your pain and tears
And what has ailed you so
Let's make the world a brand new way
Tell me all that is your heart
Show me why you hurt so
Revealing all your pain and tears
Tell me all that is your start
And what has ailed you so
Let's make the world a brand new way