ジョン&ジェーン・ドゥ 歌詞
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Goodness knows. His name is John Doe.
Goodness knows. Her name is Jane Doe.
五番街ごばんがいに行いく事ことが あったら 二人ふたりに会あって見みるといい
It's a piece of cake. He's baker. 彼かれはパンケーキを売うり
It's a piece of cake. She's buyer. 彼女かのじょはアシッドを買かう
五番街ごばんがいに空そらはない だから 二人ふたりが見上みあげる事こともない
It's a piece of cake. He's baker. 彼かれがジャムをぶちまけ
It's a piece of cake. She's buyer. 彼女かのじょが秘ひめ事ことにする
立たち並ならぶ街灯がいとうと人ひと 暗くらがりを減へらしてゆき
Too bad. His pleasure in the dark is Jane. Too bad. Her pleasure
in the dark is John.
ビルの隙間すきまに 差さし込こむ 気きがしてる
Too bad. His pleasure in the dark is Jane. Too bad. Her pleasure
in the dark is John.
夢ゆめの合間あいまに 一息ひといき 逃飛行とうひこう
Too bad. His pleasure in the dark is Jane. Too bad. Her pleasure
in the dark is John.
ビルの隙間すきまに 差さし込こむ 気きがしてる
Too bad. His pleasure in the dark is Jane. Too bad. Her pleasure
in the dark is John.
夢ゆめの合間あいまに 一息ひといき 逃飛行とうひこう
Too bad. His pleasure in the dark is Jane. Too bad. Her pleasure
in the dark is John.
この五番街ごばんがいは 心地ここちよく 何なにもない
Goodness knows. Her name is Jane Doe.
五番街ごばんがいに行いく事ことが あったら 二人ふたりに会あって見みるといい
It's a piece of cake. He's baker. 彼かれはパンケーキを売うり
It's a piece of cake. She's buyer. 彼女かのじょはアシッドを買かう
五番街ごばんがいに空そらはない だから 二人ふたりが見上みあげる事こともない
It's a piece of cake. He's baker. 彼かれがジャムをぶちまけ
It's a piece of cake. She's buyer. 彼女かのじょが秘ひめ事ことにする
立たち並ならぶ街灯がいとうと人ひと 暗くらがりを減へらしてゆき
Too bad. His pleasure in the dark is Jane. Too bad. Her pleasure
in the dark is John.
ビルの隙間すきまに 差さし込こむ 気きがしてる
Too bad. His pleasure in the dark is Jane. Too bad. Her pleasure
in the dark is John.
夢ゆめの合間あいまに 一息ひといき 逃飛行とうひこう
Too bad. His pleasure in the dark is Jane. Too bad. Her pleasure
in the dark is John.
ビルの隙間すきまに 差さし込こむ 気きがしてる
Too bad. His pleasure in the dark is Jane. Too bad. Her pleasure
in the dark is John.
夢ゆめの合間あいまに 一息ひといき 逃飛行とうひこう
Too bad. His pleasure in the dark is Jane. Too bad. Her pleasure
in the dark is John.
この五番街ごばんがいは 心地ここちよく 何なにもない