Until the End 歌詞 (K)NoW_NAME TVアニメ「SPY×FAMILY」Season 2 挿入歌 ふりがな付

  1. 歌詞検索UtaTen
  2. (K)NoW_NAME
  3. Until the End歌詞
よみ:Until the End

Until the End 歌詞 TVアニメ「SPY×FAMILY」Season 2 挿入歌


2023.12.3 リリース
(K)NoW_NAME:Makoto Miyazaki
  • 試聴
  • お気に入り登録
友情 感動 恋愛 元気 結果
Unreasonableness is
lying all over the world
Staring at it won't change it at all

Why did we start this tragedy? - I had
forgotten all about it Why did we keep
doing this?
- I wanted an ordinary life

If it would mean less sacrifice, I don't need a
peaceful time
If I lose my life sooner or later Please forgive
me, as I'm sure It was my true desire

I don't care if it's vanity
I'm a winner until I lose
Where does the blood that's spilled go? You
live without seeing a drop

I have nothing more to lose
Why did I start? Why did I continue? The
answer is always inside of me From now on,
I'll never be confused

I don't forget why anymore 'I wanted an
ordinary life'

I don't care if it's vanity
I'm a winner until I lose
Where does the blood that's spilled go? Pain
and sorrow are beyond the sky
I'd do anything for you
Until the end

Until the End / (K)NoW_NAME の歌詞へのレビュー



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曲名:Until the End 歌手:(K)NoW_NAME