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  2. Jamie Scottの作詞・作曲・編曲歌詞一覧

Jamie Scottの作詞・作曲・編曲歌詞一覧

23 曲中 1-23 曲を表示
楽曲・タイトル アーティスト 歌詞・歌い出し


One Direction

My hands yonr hands Tied

Walking In The Wind

One Direction

[Harry:] A week ago you

More Than This

One Direction

作詞: Jamie Scott

作曲: Jamie Scott

I'm broken, do you hear


One Direction

Down to Earth Keep on

You & I

One Direction

I figured it out I


One Direction

[Liam:] Make a little conversation


One Direction

I think I'm gonna lose


One Direction

Diana Front pages all your

Drag Me Down (Big Payno x AFTERHRS Remix)

One Direction

[LunchMoney Lewis:] Down Ever since

Ready to Run

One Direction

There's a lightning in your

Does He Know?

One Direction

He knows about you in

What A Feeling

One Direction

Through the wire, through the

Through the Dark

One Direction

You tell me that you're

Long Way Down

One Direction

We made a fire Went

No Control

One Direction

Stained coffee cup Just a

Fool's Gold

One Direction

I'm like a crow on


One Direction

I know you said that


One Direction

The light shines It's getting

Better Than Words

One Direction

Better than words But more

Midnight Memories

One Direction

Straight off the plane to

Never Enough

One Direction

Wanna pull an all nighter


One Direction

Who's gonna be the first


One Direction

My mother told me I