1. 歌詞検索UtaTen
  2. GOODREM DELTA LEAの作詞・作曲・編曲歌詞一覧

GOODREM DELTA LEAの作詞・作曲・編曲歌詞一覧

25 曲中 1-25 曲を表示
楽曲・タイトル アーティスト 歌詞・歌い出し


Celine Dion

I know that once in

Brave Face

Delta Goodrem

Put your brave face on

Last Night On Earth

Delta Goodrem

It's the last night on

God Laughs

Delta Goodrem

When you come from a

Bare Hands

Delta Goodrem

I've got a question on

Together We Are One

Delta Goodrem

Here we are Sharing our

I Can't Break It To My Heart

Delta Goodrem

If it's okay I'll leave

Breathe In, Breathe Out

Delta Goodrem

Do you ever wanna run

Innocent Eyes

Delta Goodrem

Do you remember when you

Out Of The Blue

Delta Goodrem

A new beginning a new

Believe Again

Delta Goodrem

Have you ever stared into


Delta Goodrem

All the things that I've


Delta Goodrem

I smile You say I

My Big Mistake

Delta Goodrem

Amazing fairytale that had come

Born To Try

Delta Goodrem

Doing everything that I believe

A Little Too Late

Delta Goodrem

(They say) I'm a little

Extraordinary Day

Delta Goodrem

Change, like secrets in the

Not Me, Not I

Delta Goodrem

You mixed me up for

Never Fades Away

Delta Goodrem

I hear your voice so

Be Strong

Delta Goodrem

Are you swimming upstream in

In This Life

Delta Goodrem

I was nurtured I was

You Will Only Break My Heart

Delta Goodrem

Tell me your thoughts now

One Day

Delta Goodrem

One day I'll learn to

Angels In The Room

Delta Goodrem

I know there's something here


Delta Goodrem

I don't want to be