Life 歌詞

- 2016.9.28 リリース
- 作詞
- Koumi Hayasaka
- 作曲
- Mimori Tominaga , Ryota Asai
- 文字サイズ
- ふりがな
- ダークモード
ひとつひとつ 出会であい 感かんじてゆく
愛情あいじょう知しって 優やさしくなるの
ひとりひとり 支ささえあう中なかできっと
分わかち合あえば 前まえに進すすめるlife
Can you feel this beautiful days.
強つよくなって 優やさしさ溢あふれるlife
Can you see this beautiful days.
心こころひとつひとつに 愛あいを感かんじて
生いきていけるmy life
Thank you for your love.
Where there is love, there is life.
You made me strong.
Thank you for your love.
君きみとの思おもい出で そう 刻きざんでく
他愛たあいない 小ちいさな感情かんじょうも
重かさねるたびに 大切たいせつなこと
Thank you for your love.
Where there is love, there is life.
You made me strong.
I feel your love in this wonderful life.
Can you feel this beautiful days.
笑わらいあって 温ぬくもり溢あふれるlife
Can you see this beautiful days.
心こころひとつひとつに 幸しあわせ感かんじて
生いきていけるmy life
Thank you for your love.
Where there is love, there is life.
You made me strong.
Thank you for your love.
Overflowing love.
Because of you, I can be strong.
I feel your love in this wonderful life.
Can you feel this beautiful days.
強つよくなって 優やさしさ溢あふれるlife
Can you see this beautiful days.
心こころひとつひとつに 愛あいを感かんじて
生いきていけるmy life
Thank you for your love.
Where there is love, there is life.
You made me strong.
Thank you for your love.
Overflowing love.
Because of you, I can be strong.
Thank you for your love.
愛情あいじょう知しって 優やさしくなるの
ひとりひとり 支ささえあう中なかできっと
分わかち合あえば 前まえに進すすめるlife
Can you feel this beautiful days.
強つよくなって 優やさしさ溢あふれるlife
Can you see this beautiful days.
心こころひとつひとつに 愛あいを感かんじて
生いきていけるmy life
Thank you for your love.
Where there is love, there is life.
You made me strong.
Thank you for your love.
君きみとの思おもい出で そう 刻きざんでく
他愛たあいない 小ちいさな感情かんじょうも
重かさねるたびに 大切たいせつなこと
Thank you for your love.
Where there is love, there is life.
You made me strong.
I feel your love in this wonderful life.
Can you feel this beautiful days.
笑わらいあって 温ぬくもり溢あふれるlife
Can you see this beautiful days.
心こころひとつひとつに 幸しあわせ感かんじて
生いきていけるmy life
Thank you for your love.
Where there is love, there is life.
You made me strong.
Thank you for your love.
Overflowing love.
Because of you, I can be strong.
I feel your love in this wonderful life.
Can you feel this beautiful days.
強つよくなって 優やさしさ溢あふれるlife
Can you see this beautiful days.
心こころひとつひとつに 愛あいを感かんじて
生いきていけるmy life
Thank you for your love.
Where there is love, there is life.
You made me strong.
Thank you for your love.
Overflowing love.
Because of you, I can be strong.
Thank you for your love.