- 2019.8.7 リリース
- 作詞
- 作曲
- Takeshi Ueda
- 文字サイズ
- ふりがな
- ダークモード
雨あめは過すぎていった 晴はれ渡わたる空そらは透すき通とおってた
手てと手てを取とって 君きみの世界せかい暗くらくする全すべてから 守まもれたら良いいと思おもった
時ときには ムチャもするさ 涙なみだが流ながれる時ときもあるさ
でも長ながいそんな時ときの流ながれの中なかで 良いい風かぜが君きみに吹ふきますように
(Smile) さあ もっと笑わらって
(Smile) さあ もっと笑わらって
(Smile) Have a bright future
(Smile) Your way will be bright
(Smile) さあ もっと笑わらって
(Smile) 笑顔えがおでいれば
Shining, shining glow
Smile Smile Smile
Day by day, day by day, day by day
Call your name, call your name, call your name
Bet we pay, bet we pay, bet we pay
What can I say, can I say, can I say
I really think I'm starting to make progress on this
So it was about the end of the journey,
which 10years later,
I still have not reached
壁かべにぶつかった日ひ かけがえない仲間なかまと出会であった日ひ
手てと手てを取とって 君きみの世界せかい照てらす そんな大切たいせつな輝かがやくあの子こと出会であった日ひ
雨あめが降ふる日ひもあるさ そう だからもう好すきな事こと全すべて叶かなうって訳わけじゃないけど
夢ゆめ 叶かなう ように
(Smile) さあ もっと笑わらって
(Smile) さあ もっと笑わらって
(Smile) Have a bright future
(Smile) Your way will be bright
(Smile) さあ もっと笑わらって
(Smile) 笑顔えがおでいれば
Shining, shining glow
Smile Smile Smile
Day by day, day by day, day by day
Call your name, call your name, call your name
Bet we pay, bet we pay, bet we pay
What can I say, can I say, can I say
I really think I'm starting to make progress on this
So it was about the end of the journey,
which 10years later,
I still have not reached
Stand in the breach
And make breach in the wall
We stand in the breach
And make breach in the wall
Small flame of hope
So it was about the end of the journey
which 10years later,
I still have not reached
Still have not reached
(Smile) さあ もっと笑わらって
(Smile) さあ もっと笑わらって
(Smile) Have a bright future
(Smile) Your way will be bright
(Smile) さあ もっと笑わらって
(Smile) 笑顔えがおでいれば
Shining, shining glow
Smile Smile Smile
Let us talk mainly
Let us talk mainly about the future
Day by day, day by day, day by day
Call your name, call your name, call your name
Bet we pay, bet we pay, bet we pay
What can I say, can I say, can I say
手てと手てを取とって 君きみの世界せかい暗くらくする全すべてから 守まもれたら良いいと思おもった
時ときには ムチャもするさ 涙なみだが流ながれる時ときもあるさ
でも長ながいそんな時ときの流ながれの中なかで 良いい風かぜが君きみに吹ふきますように
(Smile) さあ もっと笑わらって
(Smile) さあ もっと笑わらって
(Smile) Have a bright future
(Smile) Your way will be bright
(Smile) さあ もっと笑わらって
(Smile) 笑顔えがおでいれば
Shining, shining glow
Smile Smile Smile
Day by day, day by day, day by day
Call your name, call your name, call your name
Bet we pay, bet we pay, bet we pay
What can I say, can I say, can I say
I really think I'm starting to make progress on this
So it was about the end of the journey,
which 10years later,
I still have not reached
壁かべにぶつかった日ひ かけがえない仲間なかまと出会であった日ひ
手てと手てを取とって 君きみの世界せかい照てらす そんな大切たいせつな輝かがやくあの子こと出会であった日ひ
雨あめが降ふる日ひもあるさ そう だからもう好すきな事こと全すべて叶かなうって訳わけじゃないけど
夢ゆめ 叶かなう ように
(Smile) さあ もっと笑わらって
(Smile) さあ もっと笑わらって
(Smile) Have a bright future
(Smile) Your way will be bright
(Smile) さあ もっと笑わらって
(Smile) 笑顔えがおでいれば
Shining, shining glow
Smile Smile Smile
Day by day, day by day, day by day
Call your name, call your name, call your name
Bet we pay, bet we pay, bet we pay
What can I say, can I say, can I say
I really think I'm starting to make progress on this
So it was about the end of the journey,
which 10years later,
I still have not reached
Stand in the breach
And make breach in the wall
We stand in the breach
And make breach in the wall
Small flame of hope
So it was about the end of the journey
which 10years later,
I still have not reached
Still have not reached
(Smile) さあ もっと笑わらって
(Smile) さあ もっと笑わらって
(Smile) Have a bright future
(Smile) Your way will be bright
(Smile) さあ もっと笑わらって
(Smile) 笑顔えがおでいれば
Shining, shining glow
Smile Smile Smile
Let us talk mainly
Let us talk mainly about the future
Day by day, day by day, day by day
Call your name, call your name, call your name
Bet we pay, bet we pay, bet we pay
What can I say, can I say, can I say